Our Policy
We can advise what wines are worth investing in based on historical data. This does not mean their performance will be the same in the future.
We do advise on the quality of wine, on the wine's potential drinking window and consequently its suitability for inclusion in a wine investment portfolio.
We only buy the very best investment grade wines for our clients.
We highly recommend you speak with an IFA (Independent financial advisor) before you invest in wine.
As with any investment the value can go up as well as down. We are not liable for any losses.
We offer expert advice but cannot offer any guarantees of future fine wine values.​
Our wine investment FAQs page is a very helpful resource click here!
To discuss wine investment further, please contact us-
8.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday
Tel: +44 (0)20 8065 5588
Email: info@bordeauxinvestment.com